0-4 months Milk Breast Milk On demand
(usually 8-12)
  • Nurse baby at least 5-10 minutes on each breast.
  • Six wet diapers a day is a good sign.
  • There’s no need to force baby to finish a bottle.
  • Putting baby to bed with a bottle could cause choking!
  • Use of the microwave is not recommended.
  • Do not prop the bottle while feeding.
0-1 month
6-8 2-5 oz.
1-2 months 5-7 3-6 oz.
2-3 months 4-7 4-7 oz.
3-4 months 4-6 6-8 oz.
4-6 months Milk Breast Milk OR 4-6
  • May need to start baby cereal (iron-fortified).
  • Feed only one new cereal each week.
  • There’s no need to add salt or sugar to cereal.
  • May offer baby extra water (up to 6 oz. per day).
  • Do not feed baby raw honey before 1 year.
Formula* 4-6 6-8 oz.
Grain Baby Cereal (iron fortified) 2 1-2 tbsp.
6-8 months Milk Breast Milk OR 3-5
  • Add strained fruits and vegetables first. Add mashed or finely chopped fruits and vegetables later on.
  • Feed only one new fruit or vegetable every 3-5 days.
  • Take out of the jar the amount of food for one feeding. Refrigerate the remaining food.
Formula* 3-5 6-8 oz.
Grain Baby Cereal (iron fortified) 2 2-4 tbsp.
Bread Offer 1/2 slice
Crackers 2 crackers
Fruit Fruit 2 2-3 tbsp.
Fruit Juice (optional) 1 3 oz. (from cup)
Vegetable Vegetable 2 2-3 tbsp.
8-12 months Milk Breast Milk OR 3-43-4
  • Add strained or finely chopped meats now.
  • Feed only one new meat every 3-5 days.
  • Wait until baby’s first birthday to feed egg whites. Some babies are sensitive to the egg white. It’s okay to give baby the yolks.
  • Be patient. Babies make a mess when they feed themselves.
  • Always taste heated foods before feeding them to baby.
  • Do not feed baby nuts, peanut butter, shellfish, whole wheat or raw honey before 1 year.
Formula* Offer 6-8 oz.
Cheese 1/2 oz.
Plain Yogurt 1/2 cup
Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup
Grain Baby Cereal (iron fortified) 2-3 2-4 tbsp.
Bread OR 2-3 1/2 slice
Crackers 2 crackers
Fruit Fruit 2 3-4 tbsp.
Fruit Juice 1 3 oz. (from cup)
Vegetable Vegetables 2-3 3-4 tbsp.
Meat chicken, beef, pork, cooked, dried beans OR egg yolks 2 3-4 tbsp.
12-24 months Milk Whole milk, yogurt 4 1/2 cup
  • Add whole milk now.
  • Offer small portions and never force your toddler to eat.
  • “Food jags” are common now. Don’t make a big deal out of them.
  • Respect your toddler’s likes and dislikes.
  • Offer rejected foods again.
  • Make meals fun and interesting. Serve colorful foods that are crunchy, smooth, or warm.
  • Toddlers need meals and snacks. Feed your toddler at least 2 snacks every day.
Cheese 1/2 oz
Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup
Grain Cereal, pasta, or rice 6 1/4 cup
Bread, muffins, rolls 1/2 slice
Crackers 2 crackers
Fruit Cooked or juice 2 3 oz.
Whole 1/2 medium
Vegetable Cooked or juice 3 3 oz.
Whole 1/2 medium
Meat fish, chicken, turkey, beef, pork 2 1 oz.
Cooked dried beans or peas 1/4 cup
Egg 1
* If you are bottle feeding, use iron-fortified formula.Don’t worry if your baby eats a little more or less than this guide suggests. The suggested serving sizes are only guidelines to help you get started.