We are offering telehealth appointments in order to provide real-time healthcare to patients from a distance. Appointments must be scheduled via our staff or the provider. If you have a scheduled telehealth appointment, start the visit by clicking on the appointment’s provider name below. By connecting, you agree to the terms of service for a telehealth appointment. This is available for established patients only. Please have the patient available for the appointment, unless it is specifically made for parent only.
Please have this ready:
- Your child’s weight and temperature
- Your pharmacy information
- A list of medicines your child takes
For specific appointments (anxiety, depression, ADD follow up), please fill out the online form(s) in advance.
Terms of Service
1. I understand that Woodinville Pediatrics has recommended to me that I engage in a telehealth appointment. These visits are by scheduled appointment only. If I connect without an appointment, I may be disconnected without warning.
2. Woodinville Pediatrics has explained to me how the telehealth technology will be used to connect me with a provider. Telehealth appointments may be conducted by videoconferencing, video images, still (high quality photo) images, or by telephone conference. I have had the alternatives to a telehealth appointment explained to me, and in choosing to participate in a telehealth appointment, I understand that this appointment will not be the same as a direct patient/health care provider visit due to the fact that I will not be in the same room as my health care provider.
3. I understand there are potential risks to this technology, including interruptions, unauthorized access and technical difficulties. I understand that my health care provider or I can discontinue the telehealth appointment if it is felt that the videoconferencing connections are not adequate for the situation. I understand that I can discontinue the telehealth appointment at any time.
4. The telehealth appointment may not be recorded by either party.
5. I understand that billing for the telehealth consultation will occur from Woodinville Pediatrics Clinic, PLLC.
6. I have read this document carefully, and understand the risks and benefits of the telehealth appointment and have had my questions regarding the procedure explained. By participating in a telehealth appointment visit I am hereby consenting to the terms described herein.
Close unnecessary programs
Have a fast internet connection available. Video quality adapts to internet speed, so the faster your internet connection, the better the video quality you will experience.
Have good lighting
Use low resolution. If you are experience poor quality, try lowering the resolution. By doing this it requires less bandwidth and computer power, resulting in less choppiness during your call.
Use headphones. Typically your computer will automatically eliminate echo or audio feedback so you don’t hear yourself talking. But if it happens, have the participant and yourself use headphones.