AAP Schedule of Well-Child Care Visits

Parents know who they should go to when their child is sick. But pediatrician visits are just as important for healthy children.
The Bright Futures/American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) developed a set of comprehensive health guidelines for well-child care, known as the “periodicity schedule.” It is a schedule of screenings and assessments recommended at each well-child visit from infancy through adolescence.
Schedule of Well-Child Visits:
- The first week visit (7-14 days old)
- 1 month old
- 2 months old
- 4 months old
- 6 months old
- 9 months old
- 12 months old
- 15 months old
- 18 months old
- 2 years old (24 months)
- 2 ½ years old (30 months)
- 3 years old
- 4 years old
- 5 years old
- 6 years old
- 7 years old
- 8 years old
- 9 years old
- 10 years old
- 11 years old
- 12 years old
- 13 years old
- 14 years old
- 15 years old
- 16 years old
- 17 years old
- 18 years old
- 19 years old
- 20 years old
The Benefits of Well-Child Visits:
- Prevention. Your child gets scheduled immunizations to prevent illness. You also can ask your pediatrician about nutrition and safety in the home and at school.
- Tracking growth and development. See how much your child has grown in the time since your last visit, and talk with your doctor about your child’s development. You can discuss your child’s milestones, social behaviors and learning.
- Raising concerns. Make a list of topics you want to talk about with your child’s pediatrician such as development, behavior, sleep, eating or getting along with other family members. Bring your top three to five questions or concerns with you to talk with your pediatrician at the start of the visit.
- Team approach. Regular visits create strong, trustworthy relationships among pediatrician, parent and child. The AAP recommends well-child visits as a way for pediatricians and parents to serve the needs of children. This team approach helps develop optimal physical, mental and social health of a child.
Teen Wellness
As a teenager, your child will experience developmental changes to your physical and emotional health and well-being. Challenges may arise as they navigate the world as a young adult with increased independence. Our care providers are here to help them feel comfortable with developmental changes and support them when they have concerns.
Keeping up with annual Wellness Check-ups as a teen is important for building trust and open communication with your provider during this challenging stage of life. A portion of the teen wellness check-up will be offered as one-on-one time with the provider. We request that you schedule their teen visits with their primary care provider whenever possible.
Privacy Rights for Teens
We respect your privacy and your right to personal decision making when it comes to your health. As a teenager in Washington State, you have some important privacy and confidentiality rights. You can choose to talk privately with your provider about:
- Mental health (age 13+)
- Drug and alcohol treatment or testing (age 13+)
- Sexual health (age 14+)
- Pregnancy care or testing (any age)
The conversation between you and your provider will be kept confidential, unless the provider feels that the issues are potentially life-threatening for you or someone else. If that is the case, the provider will work with you to get the help that is needed. Please note that medical tests and appointments may appear on your parents’ bill or insurance statement. Woodinville Pediatrics is a safe place for you to voice concerns and get support.