Meet the Pediatricians July 13, 2018

We will have a meet-the-pediatricians’ evening meeting on Friday, July 13 at 6:00 PM with Dr. Koh and Dr. Wright. These meetings are for those expecting a child, or potentially new patients to our practice. If you are interested, please call […]

Meet the Pediatricians – May 23, 2018

We will have a meet-the-pediatricians’ evening meeting on Wednesday, May 23 at 6:00 PM with Dr. Sliman and Dr. Bilger at our main office in Woodinville, Suite 102. These meetings are for those expecting a child, or potentially new patients to […]

From the NY Times: Mindfulness For Children

Mindfulness for Children By David Gelles @dgelles  Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. It can help parents and caregivers, too, by promoting happiness and relieving stress. […]